
Beyond Prisons is a podcast on prison abolition that elevates the voices of people directly impacted by the system.

COVID-19 Dispatch From California Prison

COVID-19 Dispatch From California Prison

Brian Sonenstein interviews a woman who we’re calling “Alice” to protect her and her husband from retaliation by California prison officials.

Alice organizes with other family members as part of a group known as Unite Against CDCR. Her husband is incarcerated in Soledad, California at the Correctional Training Facility (CTF)—one of the prisons where Gladiator Fights have taken place over the last few years.

She shared some of what she has heard and experienced herself regarding the prison’s response to the pandemic. We compare and contrast what California prison officials say they are doing in response to the crisis with what Alice has heard is happening at CTF. We also discuss how the prison is reacting to efforts by her husband and other prisoners to protect themselves.

Episode Resources

Unite Against CDCR

Petition: Tell CDCR TO Allow All Inmates Access To Tablets & Email

Reporting on Gladiator Fights


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Kim Wilson is available for speaking engagements and to facilitate workshops. Please contact beyondprisonspodcast@gmail.com for more information

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COVID-19 Hoax Against Mumia Abu-Jamal Supporters feat. Johanna Fernández

COVID-19 Hoax Against Mumia Abu-Jamal Supporters feat. Johanna Fernández

COVID-19 Dispatch From Pennsylvania Prison

COVID-19 Dispatch From Pennsylvania Prison