
Beyond Prisons is a podcast on prison abolition that elevates the voices of people directly impacted by the system.

Why Physical Mail Matters: Panel Discussion Thursday, March 24th, 7:30pm EST

Why Physical Mail Matters: Panel Discussion Thursday, March 24th, 7:30pm EST

Physical mail is under attack—we say, loud and clear, NO to eliminating physical mail in Delaware.

Join us Thursday, March 24th at 7:30pm EST for this panel discussion on the importance of physical mail in prison and how the prison industrial complex works to undermine imprisoned people's ability to meaningfully communicate with their loved ones.

Zoom link: https://bit.ly/3LcrXQj

Sign our petition and learn more about this draconian policy here.

VIDEO: Why Physical Mail In Prison Matters

VIDEO: Why Physical Mail In Prison Matters

Delaware's Draconian Mail Policy feat. Monica Cosby

Delaware's Draconian Mail Policy feat. Monica Cosby